Building Success in 2011

By Autonetics — In News — January 3, 2011



In today’s economy, robots are exactly what the doctor ordered to improve the health of the economy and keep jobs at home. Fear of displacement from robotics and automation is misplaced in today’s global marketplace.

What should really give workers pause is when their companies won’t use robots and other automated technologies to become stronger global competitors.

Take for example Marlin Steel Wire, a small business on the U.S. East Coast. They epitomize any company with a global imprint. They export. They win business in Singapore and China. They compete against big companies in low-wage countries and win. They do it with robots but they put people first.

Now look at a big company like Harley-Davidson. They use robots to cut costs and improve quality. Workers are their best assets, and robots and automation free their people to add more value with ideas and innovation (same as Marlin).

Any country and any industry can apply the same approach: put people first and compete on the basis of innovation¹.

With real innovation comes the need to embrace changes ahead of the game. To be fully prepared, business partners will need to work together to identify opportunities, invest resources and create a roadmap of excellence to drive success. At Autonetics we forged some amazing partnerships in 2010, and made a commitment to work together in advancing the technology and design of automation. In the coming year we will be investing more resources enabling and supporting our development teams and strategic partnerships with companies world wide. These companies employ researchers working across a wide range of disciplines including artificial Intelligence, biomimetic robotics, computer vision, distributed sensing, decision analysis, intelligent databases and information retrieval, hybrid robotic control, manipulators, micro robotics modeling, motion planning, prototyping, next generation metrology and sensory networks.

Applications for these disciplines involve aerospace, industrial automation, automotive, biomechanics, bioscience, agriculture, energy, health care and intelligent information systems. We see such ‘embedded’ working relationships continuing strongly in 2011 and beyond, both for us and across the industry.

Soon to be released are Autonetics latest software developments for improvement to our existing measurement systems and automation using fuzzy logic control, neural networks, genetic algorithms and evolutionary model-predictive control. These breakthroughs coupled with superior hardware from our partners herald a higher level of integration, accuracy and return on investment for the New Year.

¹ Jeff Burnstein, ATC, RIAAIAMCA President