Metrology Solutions

We’re committed to solving real world metrology problems. From local small-engine manufacturers to global Oil Country Tublar Goods (OCTG) producers, Autonetics plays a key role in manufacturing quality control.

Our metrology team specializes in custom, design-build gauging applications. When an off-the-shelf solution isn’t available, industry leaders turn to Autonetics for a solution.

Our team will work with your design engineers to understand the part; your manufacturing engineers to understand the process; and your IT department to tie it all together.

Service Features

  • Custom-built Inspection Systems

  • Micron-level Accuracy and Repeatablity

  • High-Speed, Non-Contact, In-process

  • Rugged Design for Factory Floor

  • Automated Robotic Tending

  • Machine Tool Feedback For Offsetting

  • Remote Connectivity

  • PC-Based Controls

  • High-Resolution, Touchscreen HMI

  • 100% Inspection and Data Retention

Autonetics Metrology

Tomorrow's technology today.

Other Services

  • Research & Development

    At Autonetics we pride ourselves in forward thinking and innovative approaches to difficult problems. We consistently challenges ourselves to make each product better than the last. We extend these internal R&D

  • Software Integration

    In today’s world leveraging the latest technology is the driving factor behind maintaining a competitive advantage. This technology is supported by software. At Autonetics we provide intuitive software integration with