Autonetics New Lab

By Autonetics — In Metrology, News — November 28, 2011



R&D Advanced

Autonetics is pleased to announce completion of our new metrology lab. This renovation will give Autonetics a powerful and versatile tool creating the capability for transformative research and proof of concepts to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Autonetics expansion creates a shared core work area for laser, electronic and vision metrology devices adjacent to our robotics lab and prototype development quarter. The expansion will eventually include two laboratory grade optical test beds with vibration isolation support systems, collaborative research space for vendors and a chamber for high-power laser testing. This project allows us to significantly expand our capabilities for technicians to work at the frontier of metrology application research, which in turn enables us to attract top manufactures and clients in pursuit of systems development.

By providing increased access Autonetics wishes to offer space for basic research and innovative applications. Potential areas of research include optical physics and materials science. Innovative applications include detection of sub-micron elements for the medical field, detection of cracks and deformation in turbine blades to prevent aircraft failure, generation of accelerated data acquisition, ID Premium connection inspection and imaging of ultra-fast manufacturing processes.